The COVID-19 crisis has led to various health risks worldwide. Most of you may feel reluctant to go to the hospital due to the ongoing global health crisis.
When it comes to pregnancy, some women may suspect it within the first few days while some may not notice until they miss their first period. First things first, you need to identify its early symptoms and schedule a virtual gynecology appointment.
Implantation Bleeding and Spotting
Most often, the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period though there may be other reasons behind it. However, some women may bleed despite missing their period. This bleeding is associated with the implantation of the embryo into the uterine lining. You may also experience spotting accompanied by light cramping in the first 6-12 days of pregnancy.
Besides bleeding, there may be a white, milky discharge from the vagina as its walls begin to thicken right after conception.
Changes in the Breasts
Hormone levels in a woman’s body change rapidly after conception. As a result of these changes, the breasts may become sore, tender, and swollen. In addition to breast enlargement, the area around the nipples darkens. Breast enlargement is usually painful but fades once your body gets used to the hormonal changes.
Morning Sickness
Unlike its name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day. Nausea often begins in the first two weeks of pregnancy or a few months after conception. There are different levels of nausea, and not everyone experiences it.
It’s likely for you to have nausea without vomiting or none at all. Though nausea is normal in early pregnancy, it can create problems if you don’t keep yourself hydrated. You should immediately contact your healthcare provider in case of extreme dehydration.
Feeling exhausted is one of the most common symptoms during the first trimester of pregnancy. This may be due to increased levels of progesterone.
Many women feel sluggish and sleep more often during the first week of conception. Since the blood volume increases to develop the placenta, the heart needs to work harder. To reduce fatigue, a healthy diet and plenty of rest are important.
Other early symptoms of pregnancy include backache, headache, frequent urination, food cravings, and more! To get to know about ways to deal with early pregnancy symptoms, schedule an online professional doctor’s consultation. At TelMDCare, we provide a virtual gynecology appointment to help you get through without any complications. We believe in providing individualized services to our patients through online appointments. To book an online medical consultation, call us today.