An ear infection, also known as acute Otitis Media, is a type of infection that affects the middle ear. The middle ear is part of the ear that's filled with air and contains small vibrating bones. Someone with an ear infection would feel continuous pain in their ear.
As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an ear infection is one of the most common illnesses among children, and it is estimated that 5 out of 6 children up to 3 years old can have an ear infection. However, it's less common in adults. The main causes of ear infections are viruses and bacteria. One can take certain precautions to prevent an ear infection. Here are five preventive measures to avoid ear infections.
Breastfeeding infants can effectively help prevent ear infections. It's recommended to breastfeed your baby for at least 6–12 months. The antibodies in the milk help the baby's immune system fight the ear infection. If you are feeding breast milk via a bottle, make sure that infant is not lying flat and is held upright to prevent milk from flowing in their ears.
You should make sure your child has all the necessary vaccinations done, such as Influenza for children six months and up. You could inquire with your doctor about meningitis, pneumococcal, and other vaccines as well. Preventing other viruses can also help prevent ear infections.
While swimming, take precautions to not let water inside your ear, as it can lead to an ear infection. When swimming, keep your ears as dry as possible. Wearing earplugs is a simple practice to prevent ear infections. Also after leaving the pool, dry your ears thoroughly using a towel to ensure no water is left inside the ear canal. If you feel there's water in your ear canals, tilt and rock your head sideways to get it out.
Research has shown that being exposed to secondhand smoke can increase the chances of getting an ear infection. If someone in your house smokes, ask them to smoke outside the building. This measure should be taken seriously, especially in households with small children, to ensure ear infection prevention.
Getting a cold can cause an ear infection. It can occur when the cold virus in your throat or mouth enters your ear via the Eustachian tube and cause fluid buildup in your middle ear. Bacteria can grow in this fluid, thus causing an ear infection. You can prevent ear infections and a cold by washing your hands properly, keeping your distance from someone with a cold, getting plenty of sleep, and staying hydrated.
Ear infection prevention is important as it could save you from pain and discomfort. If you or your child have an infected ear, it's wise to consult a doctor. Why not consult our expert online doctors for ear infections? Our team of online doctors at TelMDCare is highly experienced in treating acute care illnesses such as ear infections, sinus infections, and COVID. We not only provide consultation but also provide medication prescriptions and refills.
So call now and get the treatment you and your child deserve.