
5 Tips To Prevent And Treat UTIs

urine samples in a test tube

Do you feel a burning sensation when you pee? Chances are you have a UTI. UTI or Urinary Tract Infection can affect your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. This condition can be incredibly uncomfortable and painful to manage if you don’t take care of your hygiene and hydration practices.

If you’re looking for ways to prevent a UTI, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some of our top tips for UTI prevention and treatment:

Try Cranberry Juice And Supplements

Cranberry juice and supplements help manage UTI symptoms and prevent dehydration. Always go for a concentrated OTC cranberry supplement because it’ll have a lesser amount of sugar than most commercial cranberry juices.

You’ll need to take oral medication to target the bacteria alongside these preventative techniques discussed below.

Wiping Front To Back

After the world cup, we all were introduced to the wonders of the hand shower and bidets. It’s cleaner to wash with water and then pat dry with a paper towel. However, if you can’t access water, always wipe front to back. This can prevent fecal material and other bacteria from infecting your vaginal and urethral passage.

Urinate After Intercourse

We can’t stress this enough; you and your partner need to urinate after intercourse every time. The act of intercourse can cause the bacteria to get into your bladder or urethra. So, urinating or voiding after sex can help get rid of the bacteria that can cause infections.

Don’t Hold Your Pee To Often

You need to regularly empty your bladder. This will ensure that urine does not stay long in your bladder and prevent any bacterial growth. Bacteria like a warm and wet environment to thrive so, by taking away these conditions, you can prevent any UTI symptoms. You should be emptying your bladder at least 5-9 times a day.

Drink Lots Of Water

The first step in preventing a UTI is to stay hydrated. You need to drink an adequate amount of water each day. This will keep your bladder healthy and lowers the concentration of bacteria. Try to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water every day to prevent infections.

Check Out Our Online Doctors For UTI Treatment And Prescription

Do you suspect that you have UTI based on your symptoms? Our online doctors at TelMDCare can help you. If you’re finding it difficult to travel across the city for an appointment, we have virtual doctors for UTI conditions who can help you with diagnosis and prescriptions.

Get in touch with us today for more information on our services.