
Are Women At a Greater Risk of Developing Hypothyroidism than Men?

Every 1 in 8 women experiences a thyroid problem at some point in her life.

A doctor wearing red scrubs using a stethoscope to check her patient's blood pressure

While the condition exists in men and infants too, women are more likely to develop it. If you notice any familiar symptoms, get in touch with an online doctor immediately.

What Is Hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland is responsible for maintaining the body's metabolism. It also plays a part in keeping the heart rate stable, and aids in growth and development.

This gland exists in the front of the neck, and secretes important hormones. When an individual develops hypothyroidism, it means that their thyroid gland isn't producing enough hormones to support their body's metabolic functions.

Why Are Women At an Increased Risk Of Developing Hyperthyroidism?

Women are ten times more likely to develop a thyroid condition than men. This is directly related to their autoimmune response, and the fact that autoimmune conditions are more prevalent in women than in men.

Moreover, the hormonal play in women, especially when they're approaching menopause, directly affects the thyroid.

A person piling pills in their hands from an orange pill bottle

Are There Any Symptoms?

Yes, hypothyroidism has a few telltale signs, and they include:

  • Feeling tired even when you're not doing any strenuous activities
  • Weight gain
  • Irregularity in menstrual cycles; either the flow is unusually heavy, or you miss the cycle completely
  • Skin losing its moisture and becoming dry, along with increase in hair fall
  • A heightened sensitivity toward cold
  • Infertility issues, including miscarrying frequently
  • Constipation
  • Aching muscles

Why Does Hypothyroidism Happen?

Although the butterfly shaped gland is small in size, it can disrupt the functioning of the body. There are several reasons why hypothyroidism occurs, and some of them are:

  • Thyroid Surgery: Sometimes, doctors deem it necessary to remove a significant part of your thyroid gland. The surgery might lead to a decrease in hormone production, which causes hypothyroidism.
  • Radiation Therapy: Often, cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy develop this condition. This is because the radiation that targets cancer in their neck or head can alter the function of the thyroid gland too.
  • Medications: People who take drugs to control their psychiatric disorders may develop hypothyroidism. Lithium, for instance, is one such medication.

Should you consult an Online Doctor?

Get in touch with the medical experts at TelMD Care to get help with hypothyroidism. Our virtual doctor for hypothyroidism can help you feel better by devising a treatment plan. Moreover, we also offer treatment for strep throat infection, erectile dysfunction, and acute bronchitis.

Now you can get medical help at home by scheduling a consultation with our telemedicine doctors at Tel MD Care. Click here to book an appointment today.

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