
Can Caffeine Overdose Cause a Migraine?

As surprising as it sounds, caffeine is both a trigger and a remedy for migraines. In fact, it's the number one cause of a migraine attack in the U.S. Whether you're among the people who take their caffeine intake seriously, or one of those who rarely have a sip; caffeine consumption might cause a migraine.

A person holding a cup of coffee in their hand

This blog will discuss the link between caffeine consumption and migraines, among other things that might trigger it. Learn more about it, and get in touch with an online doctor to get help.

Migraine and Coffee: A Bittersweet Relationship

Experts at Harvard believe that you might develop a migraine if you take your coffee religiously every day, but decide to skip it one day or simply, take it later than usual. Similarly, if you aren't a caffeine addict, but consume it on a whim one day, migraine might trouble you. To put it simply, coffee can trigger a migraine if you experience its withdrawal, or if you consume it more than the usual amount.

Other Factors That Might Trigger a Migraine Attack

From hormonal changes to food intake, there are certain things that might trigger a headache. Here are a few of them:

Moreover, the hormonal play in women, especially when they're approaching menopause, directly affects the thyroid.

  • Weather: Sudden changes in the weather, like strong winds, and excessive heat and humidity could trigger a migraine attack.
  • Hormonal Changes: Women might develop a migraine when they're ovulating, pregnant, or on their period.
  • Stress and Medication: Stress directly affects the blood vessels, which might lead to a migraine attack. Similarly, some drugs, such as vasodilators can trigger it too.
  • Food: You might want to be wary of aged cheese and limit alcohol consumption, as they might be the one triggering a migraine attack.

A woman sitting with her hands on her temple

But Why Do Migraines Happen?

Yes, hypothyroidism has a few telltale signs, and they include:

While there's no concrete proof of the reasons why a migraine attack happens, doctors believe that they're related to certain changes that your brain undergoes. Often, the condition is hereditary, and people develop sensitivity to light and sounds.

Initially, scientists and doctors held blood flow to the brain responsible, but now that theory has grown out of favor. Recently, they're leaning more toward the belief that overactive nerve cells might be the main cause. This is because when a caffeine addict doesn't consume the beverage one day, the blood vessels in their brain might enlarge and cause painful throbbing due to increase in blood flow. Bear in mind that consuming coffee makes the same blood vessels shrink and makes them overactive.

Do You Need an Online Doctor?

Get in touch with the medical experts at TelMD Care for your migraine. Our virtual doctors help you with your headaches. Moreover, we also offer treatment plans for strep throat infection, erectile dysfunction, and acute bronchitis.

Now you can get medical help at home by using the services of telemedicine doctors at TelMD Care. Click here to book an appointment today.

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