An allergy or an allergic reaction is a medical issue in which the body's immune system gives abnormal feedback to any foreign thing. This thing is known as an allergen, and the reaction depends on various factors, like your location, what you eat, or the body's resistance. Although, with technological advancements in biomedicine, it is easier to get access to virtual doctors online and get treated immediately. However, before reaching out, one needs to be sure of what type of allergy they have.
There are three most common categories of allergies, and each type's treatment is different. Hence, here we have discussed them to help you better understand what to do when encountering a nasty allergic reaction.
One of the most common types of allergy is a food allergy. Here the allergen is a specific edible item that can cause an allergic reaction. Mostly, people are born allergic to some items, while some develop it over time or after a hormonal change. Foods like almonds, strawberries, milk, seafood, beans, or even egg are common allergens in this category.
Sometimes there are very rare items that can cause allergies. Cough, vomiting, rash, shortness of breath, diarrhea, swollen lips, and dizziness are all food allergy symptoms. The only treatment is Epipen and avoiding such foods entirely. Speak to a doctor online if you have accidentally eaten any allergic food.
The next most common allergy is from dust particles in the air. The polluted air or sand particles in the air aggravate a person's allergy. Furthermore, a million particles like pollens, dust mites, and animal dander act as allergens for different people. Symptoms like cough, wheezing, sneezing, and itching are quite common. The best way to stop this allergy is to wear a mask, shower when you get home, and keep your sheets and pillow clean and dust-free.
The third allergy is skin allergy. The allergy on the skin is due to various allergens like pollens, certain plants, insects, and even food. The reaction on the skin is in the form of hives, rashes, itchy bumps, or swelling inside the layers of the skin. The best way to deal with it is to call a virtual doctor online and get it checked. Aside from this, in case of dry, bumpy skin, take a cold shower that will soothe the skin, and then apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer.
In severe cases, it is best to call TelMDcare, schedule a virtual doctor appointment, and get yourself checked for allergies.