
How Can Safe Sex Protect You from Bacterial Vaginosis?

 How Can Safe Sex Protect You From Bacterial Vaginosis

According to the CDC, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal condition in women aged 15-44. It is a common bacterial infection in the vagina that affects women globally.

Typically, it is caused by an overgrowth of certain bacteria in the vagina, which upsets the natural balance of vaginal flora. This infection can be caused by many different factors including unsafe sexual practices.

Let’s discuss how BV is caused by unsafe sexual practices, and how you can prevent it through safe sex.

How Unsafe Sex Causes Bacterial Vaginosis

The cause of bacterial vaginosis is not entirely understood by medical professionals yet. But we do know that unsafe sexual practices such as having unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, and frequent douching can all contribute to the development of BV in women of all ages.

You are more likely to develop bacterial vaginosis if you have unprotected sex with a new partner or multiple partners.

While multiple sexual partners can increase the risk of developing BV,  it is important to note that bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease/ infection (STD/ STI).

However, most notably, the condition is even more frequent among women who have sex with other women, because sex or contact with a woman with BV may change the bacterial environment in your vagina, likely causing overgrowth of certain bacteria.

Moreover, regular douching with water or a cleansing agent can also upset the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina, leading to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

How Can Safe Sex Protect You from Bacterial Vaginosis?

Practicing safe sex is crucial for women to prevent bacterial vaginosis and many sexual diseases. Safe sex practices such as the use of contraceptives, like condoms and dental dams, can significantly reduce the risk of bacterial infections and STDs.

Other safe sex practices like open communication with partners about any known infections or symptoms can also protect you from BV. Another effective safe sex practice to protect you from BV is to limit the number of sexual partners you have.

Lastly, avoiding douching and instead using mild, unscented soaps can help maintain the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina, reducing your chances of developing BV.

Since the vagina is self-cleaning, you don’t actually need to douche it. Many women make the mistake of thinking that a vaginal infection or disease will clear up if they thoroughly clean their vagina by douching regularly.

This is simply untrue. Normal bathing is all the cleaning your vagina needs, and regular douching will not mitigate infections of diseases. On the contrary, it may result in bacterial vaginosis, which increases your chances of catching an STD/ STI.


 How Can Safe Sex Protect You From Bacterial Vaginosis


Final Thoughts

We hope this information helps you better understand how unsafe sex causes bacterial vaginosis, and how safe sex can help you prevent it. Unfortunately, taking preventative measures like practicing safe sex, or even abstaining from sex, does not guarantee protection from BV.

Fortunately, bacterial vaginosis is a treatable infection. If it happens to you, you must seek medical attention. If you do not have health insurance or are not on a healthcare program, you can still find affordable and convenient solutions from a virtual doctor consultation.

Virtual doctors can also prescribe the antibiotics you need to treat BV.

If you want to book a virtual doctor consultation, we highly recommend checking out TelMDCare. We are the go-to place for individuals looking for affordable online doctor visits and will help you keep your health in check from the comfort of your home.

You can easily book your virtual doctor appointment now by dialing 800-230-2050.