The main cause of cold sores is the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This virus can spread from the face or genitals. Aside from physical touch and sexual acts, other reasons can include using the same razors, utensils, and towels without proper sanitization.
Contact with an oozing blister can quickly cause your skin to react because the virus spreads easily through bodily fluids. People who do not have visible blisters can also spread the disease. Many people don’t show symptoms or signs despite being affected for many years.
If you have had herpes once, the virus can remain in the nerve cell. It is there in a dormant state but can emerge as another cold sore in another place. The reoccurrence is usually because of viral diseases, stress, fatigue, exposure to sun and wind, and hormonal changes.
Some common symptoms are as follows:
The outbreaks are less severe after the first time if they ever reemerge. It takes a time frame of 20 days for the blisters to heal.
The first outbreak that you suffer is accompanied by fever, painful gums, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes. Many kids under the age of 5 suffer from sores inside their mouths which are mistaken for canker sores. Canker sores are similar to cold ones, but the herpes virus is the cause, unlike the mucous membrane that causes the canker sores.
Cold sores can be controlled and cleared completely using the treatment for two to four weeks. Many different anti-virus medicines can be used for the healing process. Some of the medicines are supposed to be swallowed, and others are to be applied in the form of ointment on the skin. Medication has a much better impact on dealing with cold sores than creams. However, If it is a very severe case, antiviral drugs can be given with highly effective injection.
At times people use home remedies and over-the-counter cold ointments to shorten the healing time. You can use a cotton-tipped swab to put medicine on the part of the body that is affected. Some of these remedies are drying agents such as alcohol which is great for a speedy recovery.
You can use lip balm and lip creams as they can help your mouth heal faster. Moisturizing the lips can save them from dryness and also act as sunblock. You can use a cold, damp cloth to reduce redness and help remove crusting and promote healing.
A cold compress can help you relieve the pain caused by the sores. Alternatively, you can try pain relievers to help with the fever and cold sores if you have a hard time with pain. You can use creams with benzocaine and lidocaine to manage the pain as well.
You can use alternative medicine such as ash lysine, rhubarb, and safe as an effective ointment. You can also limit the outbreak by controlling stress. Reducing stress will help your body to get back to a normal hormonal balance. Propolis, also known as synthetic beeswax, can also help you heal quicker because when placed in the ointment, it can reduce the duration of the outbreak.
Cold sores generally clear up after two to four weeks, but you should still consult a doctor if you see blisters appearing on your face. If your symptoms last longer than 20 days indicate that you have a severe outbreak that needs immediate medical attention.
If the blisters last longer than the expected period, consult a professional doctor for your cold sores. You should also visit a doctor immediately if you are repeatedly experiencing reoccurrences.
In a consultation, the doctor will ask questions about the symptoms you have, if you have had them before, and what medications and supplements you take regularly.
Try to answer all the doctor’s questions because it will help them understand the case better and figure out a way to help you faster. A doctor is also likely to ask you about your last treatment and how effective it has been. It is important to take things like stress and pregnancy seriously if you get an outbreak.
If you are experiencing cold sores on your face, connect with TelMDCare. We are a facility that uses technology to deliver health care from a distance. We have certified professional online doctor consultations, virtual doctor appointments, and other medical appointments. Visit our website for more information, or contact us today to book a virtual doctor appointment.