
Excessive Sweating: Signs You Should See a Doctor

A man drinking and wiping sweat

Sweating is a natural body response to several internal and external conditions. It regulates body temperature in response to external temperature, physical activity, and emotional states of fear, anger, stress, and anxiety. Excessive sweating in hot weather and during exercise is normal.
However, excessive sweating becomes highly problematic when it happens without stimulus.
It could be an indication of an underlying health problem.

Hyperhidrosis disorder:

Hyperhidrosis, commonly called excessive sweating, is a condition in which sweat glands overreact and produce excess sweat. People with hyperhidrosis often sweat from their palms, feet, armpits, and groin, as these body parts have relatively more sweat glands. This localized excessive sweating is called focal hyperhidrosis. This type of hyperhidrosis can be genetic and results from mutation. That's why it mostly starts early in life. But fortunately, most of the time, focal hyperhidrosis is harmless.

 Harmless Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis can be harmless if there are no underlying health conditions. However, its generally caused by underlying health issues. Some of the underlying health issues resulting in excessive sweating are:
•   Hyperthyroidism (Overactive thyroid gland)
•   Menopause
•   Diabetes Mellitus
•   Tumour
•   Heart disease
•   Infectious diseases like HIV and Typhoid
•   Parkinsons disease, etc.

When is Excessive Sweating a Concern

A man sweating excessively

Due to the normal and natural occurrence of excessive sweating, it gets difficult for a person to recognize if they have an underlying health problem or not. Hence, here are the symptoms of hyperhidrosis one must consider and consult the doctor over the issue of excessive sweating.

•   Excessive sweating without any apparent reason, in time of no intensive activity or emotional stress.
•   Noticeable sweating, especially that soaks all the body or is localized.
•   All-time wet hands and feet
•   Excessive sweating that results in unpleasant body odor irrespective of hygiene care.
•   Excessive sweating constantly occurs for six months.
•   A family history of hyperhidrosis
•   Excessive sweating along with any other physical condition like skin allergy, itching, weight loss, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, etc.

If you are facing any of the problems mentioned above and want to consult a doctor, TelMDCare can help you. TelMDCare is America’s leading online healthcare service provider and offers virtual consultations for various health problems.  They are known for their affordable online healthcare for various diseases like asthma, migraine, and high cholesterol. You can also book online doctor appointments and get virtual prescriptions.
Contact them to avail of their services.