Green Thumb? Our Online Doctors Know A Skin Infection When They See It

If you have a green thumb or a swollen nail or fingertip, you might have paronychia. It’s a nail inflammation caused by infection, trauma, or irritation. It can affect both fingernails and toenails. If not treated properly, paronychia can become a chronic condition that causes pain and can result in complications.

An illustration of the foot and thumb

Causes of Paronychia

Paronychia develops when bacteria or a fungus enters the broken skin near your nail folds or the cuticles and causes infections. The cuticle is the skin at the nail’s base, and the nail fold is where the skin and nail join.

Paronychia is commonly caused by a staph infection caused by Staphylococcus Aureus. The bacteria enter the skin through the following:

  • Broken skin (People who bite their nails can tear their cuticle)
  • Ingrown nails
  • Irritated skin due to chemicals or any other reason
  • Trauma to the nail bed

Symptoms of Paronychia

Paronychia symptoms show up around the cuticle and the nail fold after a few hours or a day after the infection builds up. These include:

  • Pain in the nail
  • Swelling
  • Initially, the skin appears to be red and irritated
  • Pus build-up under the skin

If not treated, the symptoms might worsen, and your nails or fingers might start turning green as the pus builds inside. Excess pus may also require drainage.

Types of Paronychia

There are 2 major types of paronychia infections. These include:

Acute Paronychia

The symptoms appear for a few days and get resolved with adequate treatment. The infection isn’t deep and goes away easily without needing pus drainage.

Chronic Paronychia

Chronic paronychia symptoms develop slowly, and the infections are deep. Not getting treatment can result in complications, like nail fungus. Several nails can be affected, and pus drainage might be necessary along with antibiotics for proper treatment. The symptoms can last for as long as 6 months.

A patient consulting a doctor online

You should consult a doctor immediately if you have any symptoms mentioned above or suspect any other skin disorder. Even if you can’t visit one, speak to a doctor online!

TelMDCare is a telemedicine doctor service that has a panel of virtual doctors. Our skin specialists can spot skin infections and treat them promptly. Moreover, we also offer treatment for other problems like migraines, diabetes, dental infections, and more. Book your appointment with an online doctor today, or contact us now for more details.