
Herpes Simplex: Your FAQs Answered

Herpes Simplex, FAQs

Herpes simplex is a common virus that is typically transmitted from mouth-to-mouth contact and causes oral herpes or infection around the mouth. In addition, it can also cause genital herpes via sexual contact.

Both oral and genital herpes simplex are often asymptomatic and are not medically concerning. However, they can still result in painful blisters at the infection site, which can range from mild to severe.

There is no cure for herpes simplex, and the infection remains with a person for life. However, this doesn’t mean that the person who has herpes complex has to suffer painful boils and blisters for life.

Most of the time, the herpes simplex virus remains inactive, but its symptoms can recur over many years and may last for no more than a week or two.

If you have herpes simplex, there is some medication that can reduce the frequency and severity of the infection.

Cause of Herpes Simplex

Herpes simplex is a virus that is typically transmitted through oral sore secretions and can be spread through using toothbrushes, sharing utensils or makeup, or kissing. A person who has genital herpes simplex can only spread through sexual contact.

It is important to understand that herpes simplex can be spread even if sores are not present.

The herpes simplex virus goes through long periods of dormancy but may become active by the following conditions:

  • General illnesses from mild to serious
  • Emotional or physical stress
  • Fatigue
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Medications like steroids and chemotherapy
  • Menstruation

A man with a cold sore or herpes on his mouth

Symptoms of Herpes Simplex

Herpex simplex is typically manifested in the form of a blister or multiple blisters around the affected area, typically the mouth or the genitals. Trauma to the blisters can cause them to break, leading to tender sores.

Infected persons can also experience a slight burning or tingling sensation before the sores appear. The symptoms may occur periodically and can vary from person to person. In many cases, the virus remains dormant for several years.

Treatment of Herpes

There is no cure for herpes, but the virus causes no long-term damage to your body. Symptoms can last anywhere between two to four weeks. However, if you experience a significant amount of pain during the outbreak, you should consult Dr. John Ibrahim for antiviral medicine.

These medicines are effective in reducing the severity and length of the outbreak and can reduce your risk of transmitting the virus to another person. Voltrax, Zovirax, and Famvir are some medicine that you can take for herpes simplex, and most patients do not report any side effects, although some may get nausea or headache.

How to Get Herpes Simplex Diagnosed?

In most cases, the diagnosis of herpes simplex is very simple since its appearance is quite typical and does not require any testing. As such, the disease can be diagnosed easily by a virtual doctor.

If you think you have herpes simplex, speak to our online doctor today, who will offer personalized treatment to help eliminate any discomfort.

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