
How To Manage The Symptoms Of Asthma

Asthma affects more than 300 million individuals globally, including many professional athletes. It is a chronic lung illness that can make breathing difficult. However, despite there being no cure for asthma, you can keep your condition under control and live a healthy life by mitigating the symptoms.
Continue reading for some helpful tips on alleviating the symptoms of asthma.

a person holding an inhaler

Recognize Your Triggers and Avoid Them

Allergens and irritants irritate your airways and aggravate asthma symptoms. The best approach to keep your asthma under control is to identify the triggers that make your symptoms worse and try to avoid them.
For example, if dust particles make breathing difficult for you, wear a mask whenever you go out.

Don’t Skip the Asthma Medication Prescribed By Your Doctor

Many people believe that if they don't have any symptoms, they can let go of their asthma controller medication. However, this isn't the best practice.
Asthma is a long-term (chronic) illness. When you have asthma, you have it all of the time, even if you aren't experiencing the symptoms. Hence, you shouldn't skip your medication and take it as prescribed by your doctor.

Learn How to Use Your Inhaler Properly

Many people complain that inhalers aren't effective. While that can be the case sometimes, not using your inhaler the right way can also render it ineffective. Ask your doctor to show you how to use your inhaler the right way so that the drug reaches the airways.
You can also request them to observe you while you use the inhaler. They can guide you and advise you on optimizing your technique so that the medication reaches your lungs and works effectively.

a woman helping a man in a grey sweater experiencing asthma symptoms

Quit Smoking and Stay Away From Secondhand Smoke

If you're a smoker with asthma, you need to quit smoking right now to minimize the intensity and likelihood of your symptoms. Smoking also compromises the effectiveness of your medication and inhalers.
However, if you don't smoke but are constantly exposed to cigarette smoke, you're still at risk of severe symptoms. You should avoid being a passive smoker and protect yourself from being exposed to secondhand smoke as it can worsen your symptoms.

Exercise Regularly

Regularly exercising helps you maintain healthy body weight, enhancing your immune system and strengthening your respiratory muscles. 
However, before exercising, ensure that your asthma is under control. Also, talk to your doctor about what exercises you can do before starting.
If you are looking for doctors to help understand & manage Causes & Treatments For Asthma Attack, reach out to our experts at TelMDCare.
We have a professional online platform for your convenience where you can consult our experts from the comfort of your home. We also offer affordable online healthcare for various health conditions apart from asthma, like depression and migraine.
You can also book online doctor appointments and get virtual doctor  prescriptions.
Contact us to learn more about our services.