
How You Can Manage High Blood Cholesterol Levels

As your cholesterol level rises, the risk of developing numerous heart ailments increases. Hence, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to manage cholesterol levels.
Here are a few tips to keep your cholesterol level under control.

a model of a heart

Maintain a Healthy Diet

The first step in managing your high cholesterol levels is ensuring you eat clean and right. You need to reduce your intake of saturated fats, like red meat and dairy products that can raise cholesterol levels.
You must also eliminate trans-fat from your diet. The Food and Drug Administration has even banned the use of trans-food in the US.
On the other hand, you must increase usage of omega-3 fatty acids as they have numerous health benefits, which includes keeping your cholesterol level under control.
Soluble fiber is also beneficial as it helps minimize the absorption rate of excess cholesterol in your bloodstream.

Increase Your Physical Activity

a woman exercising while lying on the ground

An exercise is a powerful tool for boosting your body's healthy cholesterol levels. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is significantly increased if you exercise daily.
People with high cholesterol levels should make a habit of exercising daily for 30 minutes. However, you should first speak with your doctor about it.

Shed the Extra Pounds

Losing weight also helps manage cholesterol levels. Every pound of extra body weight you have adds to your risk of high cholesterol. Minor modifications can help you shed the extra pounds while drastically impacting your cholesterol levels. Begin with replacing sugary beverages with natural juices or plain water.
Track your daily calorie consumption, and cook your food in an air fryer to minimize your daily calorie intake.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking increases the risk of heart disease.  It also alters the way your body processes cholesterol. A smoker's immune cells are so weak that they're unable to transport the cholesterol to the bloodstream to be transported to the liver. These faulty immune cells can cause the smokers' arteries to be blocked. 
Cigarettes also contain the toxic substance acrolein, which enters the bloodstream via the lungs and interferes with HDL's ability to transport cholesterol in the body, causing LDL levels to rise, leading to heart disease.

a woman smoking

Adopting these lifestyle changes can be highly beneficial, but they aren't enough to control your rising cholesterol levels.
You need to consult an expert. TelMDCare offers online consultations to help you deal with high cholesterol.
In addition to treating high cholesterol, we also offer affordable online healthcare for health issues like allergies, dental infections, sexually transmitted diseases, ear infections, motion sickness, and much more.
Contact us to book online doctor appointments and get virtual prescriptions.