Is It Pink Eye? Spotting Symptoms and Treatment Options

A young girl getting her eye checked by a doctor, possibly for pink eye

Pink eye, more commonly known as conjunctivitis, is the inflammation of the thin layer that covers the whites of the eye. This inflammation makes blood vessels look more prominent, giving your eye a pink appearance. This blog will discuss symptoms and treatment options for pink eye, highlighting the importance of timely care in ensuring a swift recovery.

Symptoms of Pink Eye

Pink eye has various symptoms, and looking out for that can help you identify a potential infection. If you're already experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, make sure to consult an online doctor for pink eye to get a swift diagnosis.

Different types of pink eye have varying symptoms, as listed below:

Viral Pink Eye

  • Watery eye discharge as opposed to a thick one
  • Typically starts inone eye and moves to the other within a few days

Allergic Pink Eye

  • Both eyes are infected
  • Excessive itching
  • Swelling of the eyes

Bacterial Pink Eye

  • Thick, pus-like discharge, causing the eyelids to stick together
  • Crusting along the eyelids or eyelashes.

If you're unsure about the type of pink eye you have or are experiencing a combination of symptoms, you can always consult a virtual doctor for pink eye to get an accurate and prompt diagnosis and start your treatment accordingly.


A woman getting her eye checked by a doctor for conjunctivitis


Treatment Options for Pink Eye

Even though pink eye is irritating and in rare cases, may impair your vision, there are plenty of solutions to help counter this infection. If you're looking for pink eye treatment online, there are many options that primary care doctors will provide you with. Some of them are:

  • Using antibiotics such as eye drops, pills, or ointments to help prevent its spread
  • Using decongestants and steroids to contain the inflammation
  • Antiviral drugsto help prevent vision impairment
  • Applying cool compresses to calm the itchiness. However, if the compress is made using a washcloth, make sure not to use it again as it may contain the viral bacteria.

Find a Virtual Doctor for Pink Eye at TelMDCare

Now that you know about the symptoms and treatment options for pink eye, it’s vital to get examined and begin treatment quickly, if needed.

As mentioned earlier, there are many online doctors for pink eye available who can help diagnose and treat the infection. If you're seeking a trustworthy place to get treatment from, consider choosing TelMDCare.

We offer affordable appointments and swift professional assistance. Schedule your appointment today!