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For Covid 19

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What is

One of our time’s deadliest and fastest spreading viruses, COVID-19, or Coronavirus disease, is an infectious ailment that mutated and spread from a virus called SARS-CoV-2. The virus claimed the lives of millions starting in 2019, steadily growing and mutating even in 2021.

While some people might fall sick due to the virus and experience mild to moderate symptoms, they can often get better and even wholly recover within a few days and weeks without any special care or treatments. On the other hand, most people who contracted the virus ended up in the hospital requiring special medical attention or dying with severe symptoms.

Even though medical professionals and scientists have developed a safe and effective vaccine to stop and reduce the spread of the virus, it doesn’t seem very effective against the newer and more potent mutation, the delta variant.

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With a dynamic and deadly virus like COVID-19, many people have reported varying symptoms, ranging from mild, moderate to severe.

For most people, symptoms like fever, chills, extreme coughing, fatigue, headaches, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath appear a few days after coming in close contact with an infected person or contaminated surfaces.

But other symptoms like body and muscle aches, loss of taste and smell, sore throat, runny or congested nose, vomiting, and diarrhea are becoming more and more common and synonymous with COVID-19.


What is the Delta variant?

While it’s not common for viruses to mutate and become more potent, the delta variant definitely takes the cake with its high transmission and infectious rate, infecting 2x more people than any of its predecessors.

The mutated variant is much more severe, showing a lot more severe symptoms in unvaccinated patients. As the virus continues to spread, vaccination is quickly becoming a must.

If you’re experiencing any of the signs and symptoms mentioned above, find online doctors for delta variant as stepping out unvaccinated could mean spreading the virus even more.


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Symptoms for
the Delta variant

The variant showcases a lot more severe symptoms like stomach aches, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, extreme joint pains, and hearing loss.

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COVID-19 Risk Factors

We’ve seen people of all ages book virtual doctor appointments for COVID-19. The condition affects adults and children, some more than others.

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COVID-19 Diagnosis

According to virtual doctors at TelMDCare, COVID-19 is diagnosed by taking a nasopharyngeal or throat swab. In rarer cases, a person’s sputum sample might be taken to a lab for testing.

You can discuss at-home tests with a doctor for COVID-19. Since you need a prescription to buy one, you can easily book a virtual doctor appointment and get the prescription without going out.



As of 2022, only one medication has been approved for COVID-19 treatment. Antibiotics remain ineffective, but research into other treatments is ongoing.

Cough syrup or pills
Bed rest

Talk to a Doctor for COVID-19

With COVID-19’s fast transmission rate, getting vaccinated is the best way to stay safe and protected. It’ll help build your immune system, keep you and others around you safe from contracting the virus, and hopefully stop or reduce its spread.

At TelMDCare, we provide online treatment for COVID-19, expert medical advice, and guide you to a better and healthier life.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms and signs mentioned above, we offer doctors, virtual appointments, and consultations for COVID-19 and the Delta variant. Our COVID-19 doctors are always on call to help provide treatment, guidance, and protection against the deadly virus.

Our consultation services cost a measly $43 with a free follow-up and an online chat with some of the best COVID-19 doctors. Convenient, affordable, quick, and reliable, at TelMDCare, you get all this and much more.

So, what’re you waiting for? Sign up today and talk to a doctor about COVID-19 and keep yourself and others around you as safe as possible.


What we treat

We treat a variety of acute and chronic conditions and provide expert medical advice and guidance for our patients.

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Our best online doctors on call ensure that the services we provide are adequate, high quality, and affordable.
Get in touch with us today for more details or Sign Up for a quick consultation.


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For COVID-19 at TelMDCare

With COVID-19’s fast transmission rate, the best way to stay safe and protected is to get vaccinated. It’ll help build your immune system and keep you and others around you safe from contracting the virus and hopefully stop or reduce its spreading.

At TelMDCare, we provide treatments for a variety of acute and chronic conditions, provide expert medical advice and guide you to a better and healthier life.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms and signs mentioned above, we offer online doctors, virtual appointments, and consultations for COVID-19 and the Delta variant. Our doctors are always on call to help provide treatment, guidance, and protection against the deadly virus.

At TelMDCare, you can sign up today, book a virtual appointment, talk to a doctor about COVID-19, share your symptoms, and they’ll provide a diagnosis for COVID along with the best possible treatments for your case.

Our consultation services cost a measly $43 with a free follow-up and an online chat with some of the best COVID-19 and Delta variant doctors. Convenient, affordable, quick, and reliable, at TelMDCare, you get all this and much more.

So, what’re you waiting for? Sign up today and talk or ask a doctor about COVID-19 and keep yourself and others around you as safe as possible.


COVID-19 and Delta Variant FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the Delta variant.

01 How does COVID spread?

COVID-19 spreads at an alarming rate, with only a few microscopic droplets and particles leading to an infection. The infectious disease spreads through breathing the same air as an infected person. Tiny droplets and particles travel out from their system into yours, infecting you almost instantly. If an infected person sneezes or coughs around you or touches surfaces with their unclean, unsanitized hands, the virus can travel into your system when you come in contact with these surfaces and touch your face, mouth, and nose. When dealing with a deadly pandemic like COVID-19, it’s best to maintain your distance from everyone, whether infected or not. Keep at least a distance of 6 feet between you and everyone else as the virus particles travel fast and long distances.

02How to deal with an infected person?

If you or someone you know are sick with COVID-19 or are showing symptoms, it’s best to stay at home, ensuring complete rest and safety of others. Monitor your symptoms and seek professional help from an online doctor for COVID-19 to ensure your health doesn’t deteriorate further. If you do have to step out, be sure to wear a mask, cover your mouth whenever you cough or sneeze, maintain your distance. Additionally, carry a sanitizer with you at all times, clean your hands, avoid touching unclean surfaces with your bare hands and avoid sharing utensils or personal items.

03What is the difference between people who are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic?

While both terms refer to infected people who are not showing any symptoms, asymptomatic describes infected people who never developed any of the symptoms mentioned above. On the other hand, pre-symptomatic is used to describe infected people who have not yet showcased any signs of infection but will develop them later.

04Difference between COVID-19 & Flu

While both, Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are contagious respiratory illnesses, they’re pretty different from each other due to the viruses that cause them in the first place. As mentioned earlier, COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, while the flu is the infectious result of the influenza viruses. COVID-19 also seems to spread faster and easier than the flu, causing a lot more deaths and severe illnesses in some people.

05How to protect yourself and others from the deadly virus?

If you want to keep yourself and others around you safe, getting vaccinated is the best and most effective way to achieve that. It’ll ensure your body is able to fight the virus and stop it from spreading to your friends, family, and anyone around you. Furthermore, additional precautions and measures like wearing a mask in public and enclosed spaces, maintaining your distance, washing your hands regularly, avoiding crowded areas, keeping a hand sanitizer with you at all times should also help your case. If you think you’re infected, it’s best to stay home, keep yourself quarantined until you feel better. Talking to an online doctor for COVID-19 from the comfort of your home might also help your situation and recovery process. Furthermore, some studies support ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment, however, it is not FDA approved for COVID-19 treatment in humans or animals. So, if a doctor prescribes ivermectin for COVID-19, get it from a legitimate source, take it exactly as prescribed, and never use it on anyone else.