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For Premature Ejaculation Treatment

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What Is Premature Ejaculation (PE)?

Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the most common sexual problems that affects 40% of men (one out of five men in their lifetime) aged between 19 and 59.

Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a person's refractory period (the time they take before ejaculating each time) is too short. The refractory period can vary from person to person, but it should be noted that the average person has a refractory period of around 4 minutes.

The inability to control the timing of ejaculation, coupled with problems in erectile function, results in emotional and psychological stress for both men and their partners, negatively affecting relationships.

Before learning about effective treatments for premature ejaculation, find out why premature ejaculation happens and how to know when you're getting close to finishing too early:

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Many men experience premature ejaculation either through masturbation or intercourse. Since the process of ejaculation is controlled by the hypothalamus gland in men's brains, overstimulation in the brain can cause the nerve cells to generate more sexual excitement than it needs, leading to an early orgasm.The condition can also be caused by psychological factors and physical problems of erection, penile sensitivity, low testosterone levels, and tissue damage. In many cases, premature ejaculation is considered a neurological problem rather than a psychological one.


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Common Causes Of
Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is defined as the inability to control a sudden orgasm, which can be caused by several factors.

Some common causes of premature ejaculation include:

Stress, Anxiety, And Depression Anxiety can muscle tension and make it difficult for the penis to get fully erect. Stress can also cause the nervous system to respond by sending signals to the body that are like sexual arousal. This can make it more difficult for people to control their ejaculation during sex and cause them to ejaculate quickly and prematurely.

Antidepressants Antidepressants and other medications are also known to affect sexual desire in men, so discuss any prescribed medications with your online doctor for premature ejaculation before using them if they have side effects that may adversely impact your sex life or ability to climax.

Alcohol addiction Alcohol is a depressant that slows down blood flow through the body, affecting a person’s ability to reach orgasm during sex or masturbate without ejaculating prematurely.

Aging At some point in life, all men experience a decline in sexual function. Men who were able to achieve an erection at age 20 may find it difficult to do so at age 30 or 40.

Sex addiction The risk factors for sex addiction and sexual compulsivity (also called hypersexuality), including social media use, pornography, and various online gaming disorders, can also cause premature ejaculation.

So, if you think that you might be experiencing premature ejaculation, consult our doctors at TelMDCare for premature ejaculation treatment online.

Recurrent Jock Itch

Recurrent jock itch is similar to chronic jock itch but occurs more often than once per year. Recurrent itching usually means you've had it at least once within the last four weeks. It's caused by a different type of bacteria (usually Pseudomonas aeruginosa) than chronic jock itch. It's characterized by recurring episodes of itching that last for several hours, days, or weeks at a time. The itching is usually worse when you're awake, but it may also occur at night when you're sleeping. Recurring jock itch can be treated with oral antibiotics or antifungal medication.


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Symptoms of Premature

There are various symptoms of premature ejaculation including:

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Risk factors Associated
with The Condition

Following are some risk factors associated with premature ejaculation:

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Complications With Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation, sometimes called early ejaculation or premature climax, is a common disorder that can cause a wide range of problems.

The most common complaints include:

  • Feelings of guilt Some men feel guilty because they have difficulty controlling ejaculation and have an intense urge to orgasm before they're ready. Some men also experience depression, anxiety, or relationship problems because of their inability to control their ejaculation.
  • Loss of confidence in sexual performance Men who experience premature ejaculation are often feel embarrassed, which makes it difficult for them to use condoms or get other forms of birth control. This can lead to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancies.
  • A lack of intimacy with their partner(s) The inability to delay ejaculation can interfere with sexual arousal and enjoyment for both partners. This can lead to decreased pleasure for both partners during sexual activity, resulting in lower overall satisfaction with the relationship.


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How To Identify Premature Ejaculation

The first step in treating premature ejaculation is identifying it. Our online doctor for premature ejaculation may ask you about your symptoms and perform physical tests to get a diagnosis. These include checking for hormonal imbalances and a review of the patient's sexual history.

Tests include:

Semen analysis: Semen samples are collected to check for sperm count, motility, and morphology (shape).
Testicular examination: A physical exam may be performed to rule out other possible causes of deflated testes such as tumors or infections.
Ejaculation latency time test: This procedure involves measuring how long it takes a man to stop ejaculating after sex begins. The average time is 2 minutes, but some men can last up to 10 minutes.

Treatment Options For Premature Ejaculation

Treatment for premature ejaculation online depends on whether it's caused by stress, anxiety, or another underlying condition; how severe your symptoms are; and whether they interfere with your daily life. Here are some effective methods of treating premature ejaculation:

Behavioral Therapy Behavioral therapy involves learning techniques to control the involuntary urge to ejaculate. The goal of behavioral therapy is to create a sense of control over when you ejaculate and learn how to delay your orgasm when you want to delay it.
Pelvic Floor Exercises Pelvic floor exercises are a key part of treating premature ejaculation. They can also be used to treat other sexual problems, including erectile dysfunction, and low libido. The goal of these exercises is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are located just below the bladder, uterus, and rectum. In addition to strengthening these muscles, pelvic floor exercises can help improve your erection quality by helping you maintain an erection for longer periods during intercourse.
Medication The use of medication, such as beta blockers and antidepressants, can help men who have premature ejaculation. Other medications include topical numbing creams and pain relievers to help delay ejaculation.

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When To See A Virtual Doctor For Premature Ejaculation

To help you make sense of things, here are some tips on when and how to see a doctor for premature ejaculation:

First, if you're feeling as though you're experiencing premature ejaculation, talk with your partner about it and see if they think there's anything they can do to help. If they do, great! If not, then don't worry about it too much.

If you've been experiencing premature ejaculation for more than three months (which is considered long-term), then it's probably something that needs exploring further by a medical professional.

Once you've talked about it with your partner, decide whether or not you want to get medical help. If so, find an appointment with our virtual doctors for premature ejaculation treatment!

There's No Shame In Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common problem in men and one that can be easily treated.

We know that there are lots of myths out there about how to deal with premature ejaculation, but we want to make sure you know the facts: premature ejaculation is not some kind of sexual dysfunction. It's just the opposite—premature ejaculation is a normal part of sex for most men. It happens when a man reaches climax too quickly or has trouble climaxing at all. But it doesn't mean you're a failure as a lover or that your partner is disappointed in you!

We know you want to get to the good stuff—the heavy petting, the passionate sex, the multiple orgasms—and we've got your back. So, if you're ready to take control of your sexual health and start enjoying sex in a way that feels more natural, reach out to our telemedicine doctor for premature ejaculationtoday!

Get Affordable Treatment For Premature Ejaculation Online At TelMDCare

TelMDCare is a leading medical care facility that offers affordable treatment for premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions.

Our team of qualified internal medicine and family doctors provides quality treatment for premature ejaculation online, starting at just $39.

TelMDCare offers different types of treatments for PE, including behavioral counseling and medications. We also often suggest pelvic floor exercises like Kegel and other techniques to help men last longer during intercourse.

Signup to schedule an appointment with our general physicians. We also provide online chat alternatives and free follow-up services without making you wait.

Get in touch with us for online treatment for premature ejaculation.


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FAQs For Premature Ejaculation

01 How common is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is estimated to affect 30-40% of men, making it one of the most common male sexual dysfunctions. While this may seem like a small percentage, it still affects millions of relationships and marriages each year.

02 How does premature ejaculation affect me?

In many cases, PE can have sex feel unsatisfying for both partners because it can prevent you from enjoying the full range of sexual pleasure. This can cause issues in relationships where partners have different levels of sexual desire or interest, which can lead to arguments and dissatisfaction with sex as well as other aspects of their relationship.

03 How can I prevent premature ejaculation?

There are many ways to prevent premature ejaculation. Some of the things that you can do include using lubricants, using a condom, and engaging in plenty of foreplay. You can also try the pause-squeeze technique or try different numbing creams to avoid ejaculating prematurely.

04 What is a man's testosterone level?

The average man's testosterone level is between 250-1000 nanograms per deciliter (NG/dl). A man's testosterone level will decrease as he ages. This means that men who have low levels of testosterone may be more likely to experience problems like premature ejaculation in their lives.

05How can I increase my libido?

Increasing your libido is very important to have a healthy sex life. One way to increase your libido is by taking supplements such as DHEA or testosterone boosters on the recommendation of your online doctor for premature ejaculation. These supplements help boost libido and energy levels so that you can enjoy better sexual experiences with your partner.