Consult an Online Doctor
For Urethritis

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What is

Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra or the urinary tract that can affect men and women; however, it is more common in men. The urethra is not just a channel for urine, it also contains two sphincters: one at its entrance and one at its exit. Urethritis occurs when these two sphincters become infected with bacteria, allowing them to invade the urethra and cause inflammation or swelling.

Urethritis is typically a sign that there is an underlying condition that needs treatment. The most common symptoms of urethritis are a burning sensation and pain when urinating. In some cases, you may have to deal with symptoms for days; while at other times, online doctors for urethritis can help you manage it with antibiotics in just a few weeks. If left untreated, urethritis can affect other organs and tissues, causing long-term damage to the sex organs, kidneys, and liver.

It’s important to understand what causes urethritis and consult a virtual doctor to get treatment for urethritis online.

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Stages and Common Symptoms Of Urethritis

The stages of urethritis are inflammation, bursting or contraction of the bladder cells, swelling and pain in the penis or testicles, and discomfort in the lower abdomen that might be mistaken for appendicitis.

Symptoms of urethritis include painful urination, discharge from the opening of the urethra, cloudy urine with a strong odor, and sometimes an itch or rash around the opening to the urethra.

You may also experience:

An urgent need to pass urine
Inability to pass urine
Fever and chills
Nausea and vomiting
Mood swings
Vaginal discharge in women
Pain in the lower abdomen, groin, or testicles when passing urine
Pain while having sex
Traces of blood in your pee or semen

If you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms, get in touch with an online doctor for urethritis at TelMDCare and get urethritis treatment online in the comfort of your home!


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Risks Factors Associated
with Urethritis

The most common risk associated with urethritis is a bladder infection (cystitis), which can be caused by bacteria or yeast that enter the urinary tract through the urethra.

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Causes of Urethritis

Urethritis is caused by a bacterial infection of the urethra, often as a result of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). These include:

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Effective Methods Of Treatment

For Urethritis


Antibiotics are the most effective form of treatment for urethritis. They may be prescribed by your virtual doctor for urethritis either to be taken orally or applied topically. You should take them for a few days or weeks until your symptoms disappear completely. A course of antibiotics will kill off bacteria that cause infections in the urinary tract and reduce inflammation in the bladder wall that can lead to urethritis symptoms like pain and frequent urination. It’s important for those who have been diagnosed with the condition to follow up with their online doctor for urethritis regularly so that their condition does not worsen.

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

These types of drugs include ibuprofen and aspirin. They may be taken as needed to relieve pain or to prevent further infections from occurring.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is one of the most important factors in treating urethritis. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent bacteria from growing in the body. Foods that should be avoided include processed foods, refined sugars, fried foods, and alcohol. If you have an active lifestyle, then you should also avoid caffeine as it may irritate the bladder. Also, include probiotics in your diet. They are good bacteria that can help your body fight off infections like urethritis by preventing them from taking root in the body. They are available in many different forms including supplements and probiotic capsules which can be taken directly before or after meals to get their benefits.


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Types of Urethritis

There are three distinct types of urethritis: acute, chronic, and recurrent.

Acute Urethritis

Acute urethritis is an infection of the penis and/or the prostate gland. It is usually caused by a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. It may also be caused by irritation of the penis from rubbing during sex (abrasions). Acute urethritis occurs when an uninfected person has a sexual contact with an infected person. Acute urethritis usually lasts less than a month and resolves on its own with no treatment.

Chronic Urethritis

Chronic urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra and bladder that can develop over time, usually for no known reason. The main reasons for chronic urethritis can include:

Chronic bacterial prostatitis: Bacteria in the prostate cause this form of chronic urethritis. Online doctor for urethritis may need to prescribe antibiotics or other medications to help affected individual’s treat this condition.
Chronic yeast infection: This type of yeast infection can cause symptoms similar to those of acute bacterial prostatitis, such as frequent urination and pain when the affected individual passes urine or has sex with a partner who has vaginal yeast infections. Virtual doctor for urethritis might recommend anti-fungal medication if these symptoms last more than a few days.

Recurrent Urethritis

This type of urethritis is characterized by repeated attacks of symptoms of inflammation. The inflammation causes the lining of the urethra to become irritated. In addition to frequent urination, symptoms can include pain with urination and at the tip of the penis. Some people also experience a burning sensation during urination.

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Get Affordable Treatment For Urethritis Online

At TelMDCare Today

Urethritis is a common condition and can get worse if left untreated. TelMDCare provides a reliable service that ensures you get the right treatment for urethritis online, that too at unbeatable prices.

At TelMDCare, our online doctors for urethritis offer professional treatment for all types of sexually transmitted diseases that affect men and women. We also don’t require our patients to leave the convenience of their own homes, even for medical consultations.

So, for just $39, you may now register today to make an appointment with our general physician who will give you a formal diagnosis and write you a prescription. We also provide online chat alternatives and free follow-up services without any wait time.

Our reviews section is a treasure trove of useful medical information and an online consultation option for patients to ask for medical advice from our online doctors.

Join now and let our online doctors for urethritis assist you in leading a more comfortable, pain-free, and healthy life.


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01 Who can contract urethritis?

Groups at higher risk include people who inject drugs or use intravenous (IV) drugs without a prescription, as well as those who share needles or other equipment used by IV drug users. People living in congregate settings such as homeless shelters, prisons, and group homes are also at increased risk for this STI.

02Can I take any over-the-counter drugs to get rid of the symptoms?

No, you should not take any over-the-counter drugs unless your online doctor for urethritis has recommended them. These can lead to serious side effects and may not work as well as prescription drugs. You can always talk to our virtual doctor at TelMDCare about which drugs are right for you.

03How do I know if I have urethritis?

If you have any symptoms at all including inflammation, swelling and pain in the penis or testicles, and discomfort in the lower abdomen, you should get treatment for urethritis immediately. Other symptoms of urethritis may include a burning sensation when passing urine, painful urination, discharge from the opening of the urethra, cloudy urine with a strong odor, and sometimes an itch or rash around the opening to the urethra. If you're feeling worse, or if your symptoms haven't gone away after a few days, call our online doctor for urethritis right away.