Acute conditions refer to medical complications that occur suddenly and severely. Chronic diseases, in contrast, take a long period to develop and show symptoms. Acute conditions, however, generally subside quickly with proper treatment. In some cases, chronic conditions can lead to acute conditions.
Despite a relatively quicker healing time, it is essential to deal with acute conditions as soon as possible as they can worsen over time. There are long-term implications if acute conditions are not dealt with correctly.
A urinary tract infectionoften occurs due to an infection of the urethra or bladder. They are caused by different kinds of bacteria that can make their way into the urinary tract due to ingestion or intercourse. At first, UTI conditions generally cause a lot of discomfort around the lower region of the body. They can then lead to complications that can worsen over time, such as kidney failure or the development of sepsis.
UTI is more common among women due to the shorter distance between the bladder and the urethra. While surgery is necessary in severe cases when removing cysts, proper hydration is recommended in most cases to offset any potential damage.
COVID-19 has sent the entire world into lockdown across multiple phases. The disease affects the respiratory system, leading to coughing and difficulty in breathing. Different patients have reported various symptoms, such as feeling chills and losing their sense of taste and smell.
COVID-19 is generally treatable, and by taking care immediately, proper treatment can treat it quickly. COVID-19 is transmitted through touch, so it is recommended to limit contact with the infected. It has a relatively low mortality rate as of now, and vaccines are coming to the public.
Sinusitis is one of the most common acute conditions in the world. It is caused by multiple factors, including smoke pollution, polyps, any deviations in the septum, among other cases.
A runny nose, loss of smell, congestion, and difficulty breathing through the nose are common symptoms. Doctors will commonly recommend decongestants, antibiotics, and some steroids in particular cases. Warm presses and inhaling steamhave had positive effects in treating nasal blockage.
Caused by Streptococcus Pyogenes, strep throat is common in young children and usually takes place in the winters. It can cause the tonsils to become swollen, making it harder to swallow. Normally, it's a harmless condition, and doctors treat it with antibiotics, but it can lead to other inflammatory illnesses throughout the body if left untreated.
Prevention is possible by properly washing hands, not sharing items such as towels and blankets, and covering the mouth when coughing and sneezing.
Conjunctivitis is informally called pink eye because it causes the white portion of the eyeball to turn pink or red. It causes discomfort in the eye, making it discharge and tear up. It can be challenging to open up the affected eye when you wake up from the build-up of discharge.
Various kinds of bacteria can cause pink eye, but it is also caused by allergies. It's recommended to wash your eyes regularly, change bedsheets, and not use eye contacts when suffering from pink eye. These tips can also help stop the condition from spreading to others.
The tubes that carry air to and from the lungs are called the bronchial tubes. When these tubes become inflamed, it's known as bronchitis. The first symptoms include the production of colored mucus (yellow or green) and shortness of breath. There might be discomfort in your chest and a cough that will generally increase during the night.
You can contract bronchitis from cigarette smoke or by inhaling an irritant. Acute bronchitis is generally not a significant threat, but repeated cases may refer to severe pulmonary issues that require extra attention for the long run.
Nausea is the feeling of wanting to vomit and is generally followed by vomiting what you've previously consumed. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including motion sickness from traveling in a vehicle. Having consumed something unpleasant can trigger nausea along with GERD and ulcers.
Generally, nausea is not a threat by any stretch. Still, if it also follows other symptoms similar to those of a heart attack, it is recommended to seek medical attention ASAP.
Ear infections occur due to inflammations near the eardrum, which can cause a lot of discomfort. You may also experience some secretion of pus, pressure within the ear cavity, along with mild hearing loss in some cases. Doctors will generally recommend ear drops that can help clear out the bacteria that cause inflammation in the middle of the ear.
If accompanied by a fever, a doctor will also provide you with antibiotics to deal with the high temperature.
If you require medical attention and, because of commute issues and affordability, cannot acquire the help you need, TelMDCare is here for you. The service offersonline chat with a doctoror video consultation from wherever you are, at a time that is easy for you to attend the session.
Treatment for acute conditions such asUTI, strep throat,andsinus infections, and other problems is provided as well. The service works with local pharmacies and offers prescriptions for you to acquire the necessary medicines you need. To learn more about our service and book an appointment for yourself,get in touchwith us today.