Motion sickness, also known as "kinetic sickness" or "sea-sickness," occurs when the balance between your eyes, ears, and inner ear sense don't match up. The sensation tends to occur in transit due to rapid changes in direction or speed.
Here are some ways you can deal with motion sickness so you can enjoy traveling without experiencing it.
An upset stomach can lead to nausea or vomiting, which can make motion sickness worse. Stress hormones are also active during pregnancy, so if your cycle is disrupted while you are pregnant, it may also affect your ability to cope with motion sickness.
You can try meditation before travel or while traveling on trains or airplanes for some peace of mind during the journey. This method is very effective.
This is the easiest way to avoid motion sickness if you are on a long trip on an airplane or a train or bus. If you feel like you are getting sick, it isn't unrealistic to reach for some Dramamine (or some other drug), which can help get the balance back in your motions.
Water helps to rehydrate your body, which will help with the symptoms of motion sickness due to dehydration. (The diuretic effects of motion sickness can also cause you to become dehydrated.)
You can still get out of your seat or stop at your destination for a while, but keep track of time. If you’re doing this very early in the trip (before you feel ill), it may help shorten the duration of your motion sickness response.
Motion sickness is greatly triggered by visual stimuli, so reading a book (the print will flutter around, making it hard to keep your eyes still) or watching television while traveling will often make motion sickness worse.
If you often experience motion sickness, our expert virtual doctors can help you. At TelMDCare, we offer acute care for motion sickness. We offer virtual healthcare facilities; you can book your virtual healthcare appointments and consult our Online Doctor For Motion Sickness.
Give us a call today!