
4 Tips To Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Plastic model of a heart

With the increase in your cholesterol level, the risk of various heart diseases and heart attacks also increases. An expert physician can help you control this problem. But if you'd rather prefer making lifestyle changes first, try these four healthy tips.
If you are already on medication, these changes make your treatment more effective.

1. Diet control

You can improve your heart's health and reduce your cholesterol level simultaneously simply by making a few changes in your diet.
Reduce the Intake of Saturated Fat: Full dairy products and red meat can raise your cholesterol level as it contains saturated fat. By reducing your saturated fat intake, you can reduce your  (LDL) low-density cholesterol.
Eliminate Trans Fat: Trans fat, also listed as "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" on food packaging, can raise your overall cholesterol level. Trans fat has also been banned for consumption in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration.
Increase Omega-3 Fatty Acids Intake: These acids have various heart-healthy benefits, such as reducing blood pressure. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid include mackerel, salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, and herrings,
Increase Soluble Fiber: Soluble fiber can help reduce cholesterol absorption into your bloodstream.  Soluble fiber can be found in kidney beans, apples, pears, Brussels sprouts, and oatmeal.  

2. Increase Physical Activity

Exercise is a great way to improve good cholesterol levels in your body. Adequate physical activity can raise HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Regularly exercising for 30-minutes can be of great benefit for people with high cholesterol levels. However, you may want to consult with your doctor about it first.

3. Quit Smoking

A cigarette on a white surface

By simply quitting smoking, you can experience some quick benefits as it improves HDL cholesterol levels in your body

4. Loose Weight

Every extra pound of body weight that you carry contributes to high cholesterol. However, small changes can help you lose some extra weight. Switch your sugar-rich beverages with natural juices or tap water, keep track of your daily calories intake, and switch to an air fryer for cooking your food.

5. Reduce your Alcohol Intake

Even though alcohol consumption is associated with higher HDL cholesterol levels, its benefits aren't strong enough to make it a recommendation for people with high cholesterol levels.
For people who drink alcohol, it is recommended to do so in moderation. Healthy adults males under the age of 65 are recommended not to have more than a single drink per day, and women of all ages and men over 65 are recommended not to have more than one drink every two days.
Over alcohol consumption may lead to various severe health conditions, including heart failure, high blood pressure, and strokes.
Adopting these lifestyle changes can greatly benefit your health. However, sometimes, even these changes aren't enough to control your rising cholesterol levels. You may need to see an expert in addition to all these changes.
If you are looking for reliable doctors to treat your rising cholesterol levels, TelMDCare can provide online professional doctor's consultation for patients with high cholesterol. In addition to treating high cholesterol and heart patients, we also offer affordable online healthcare for various diseases like asthma, migraine, and depression.
You can also book online doctor appointments and get best online doctor prescriptions.
Contact us to learn more about their services.